Budowanie elastyczności społeczności poprzez komunikację i technologię
Innowacyjne podejście do szkolenia polega tutaj na odejściu od tradycyjnego tworzenia szkoleń, gdzie trener występuje jako ekspert ex cathedra i przekazuje wiedzę fachową uczestnikom szkolenia; podejście, które zostanie tutaj zastosowane polega na tym, że trener doprowadza do sytuacji spotkania: “role model” - doświadczony przedsiębiorca pracuje jako moentor z uczestnikami szkolenia (tzw. NEETs) i pozwala im poznać i doświadczyć tego, czego sam doświadczył i osiągnął. Następnie trener przeprowadza uczestników przez proces rozpoznawania własnego potencjału i planowania własnej przyszłości. Trener wykorzystuje tu w dużym stopniu metody coachingowe. Doświadczony przedsiębiorca pełni rolę mentora dla przyszłych przedsiębiorców.
Oczekiwany wpływ na uczestniczących w szkoleniu to rozpoznanie własnego potencjału i zaplanowanie własnej przyszłości. oczekiwany wpływ trenerów to dostęp do nowych technik i form szkoleniowych, które są bardziej odpowiednie do wyzwań związanych z pracą z ‘NEETs’. Potencjał transferowalności to zdolność dostosowania szkolenia do pracy z młodzieżą w sektorze VET.
Dla nowych obywateli Europy, które zachęcają i motywują ich do odkrywania, gromadzenia lub wytwarzania dóbr kultury związanych z ich nowym środowiskiem życia oraz do eksponowania ich w Wirtualnym Muzeum BUCOLICO, zawierające wszystkie materiały dydaktyczne niezbędne do wykonania tych zadań. Materiały te będą dostępne w językach partnerstwa z dodatkowymi wyjaśnieniami w języku arabskim i pasztuńskim w formie drukowanej, w Internecie oraz jako aplikacje mobilne.
Innowacyjne podejście do szkolenia polega tutaj na odejściu od tradycyjnego tworzenia szkoleń, gdzie trener występuje jako ekspert ex cathedra i przekazuje wiedzę fachową uczestnikom szkolenia; podejście, które zostanie tutaj zastosowane polega na tym, że trener doprowadza do sytuacji spotkania: “role model” - doświadczony przedsiębiorca pracuje jako moentor z uczestnikami szkolenia (tzw. NEETs) i pozwala im poznać i doświadczyć tego, czego sam doświadczył i osiągnął. Następnie trener przeprowadza uczestników przez proces rozpoznawania własnego potencjału i planowania własnej przyszłości. Trener wykorzystuje tu w dużym stopniu metody coachingowe. Doświadczony przedsiębiorca pełni rolę mentora dla przyszłych przedsiębiorców.
Oczekiwany wpływ na uczestniczących w szkoleniu to rozpoznanie własnego potencjału i zaplanowanie własnej przyszłości. oczekiwany wpływ trenerów to dostęp do nowych technik i form szkoleniowych, które są bardziej odpowiednie do wyzwań związanych z pracą z ‘NEETs’. Potencjał transferowalności to zdolność dostosowania szkolenia do pracy z młodzieżą w sektorze VET.
Module 2
My story
- Cwiczenia
- Konspekt trenera
- Podręcznik uczestnika
- Program
- Prezentacja
- Resources
Module 3
Brand your name
- Cwiczenia
- Podręcznik uczestnika
- Prezentacja
- Program
- Konspekt trenera
Innowacyjny model szkolenia cyfrowego i przedsiębiorczości, który zostanie zbudowany w oparciu o potrzeby osób dorosłych (wiek 30-64 lat) i seniorów (65+).
Ten model szkoleniowy będzie darmowy, zainstalowany na platformie edukacyjnej online, opracowany przez partnerów w celu zapewnienia niezbędnych informacji, wiedzy i zasobów potrzebnych pracownikom instytucji dla dorosłych odpowiedzialnym za wdrażanie w sectorze szkoleń cyfrowych i w obszarze przedsiębiorczości (DET).
Każda organizacja partnerska przyczyni się do stworzenia szybko adaptowalnych, przyjaznych dla użytkownika profesjonalnych materiałów, które mogą w przystępny sposób dostarczyć dorosłym nauczycielom wiedzę o zmieniającym się świecie. Ponadto, dla każdej sekcji będzie utworzony krótki test oceniający obejmujący materiał z danego szkolenia.
Celem jest umożliwienie instytucjom kształcenia dorosłych/szkołom w całej Europie stanie się bardziej niezależnymi w tworzeniu wysokiej jakości programów DET, mając dostęp do modelu open-source i specjalne ścieżkami szkoleniowymi stworzone dla dorosłych i seniorów.
Tenuta Cirrincione, Roccapalumba-Vicari
TENUTA CIRRINCIONE was established in 2012 by the Salvatore, Mariangela and Alfonsa Cirrincione, three siblings united in the decision to give a new course to their family company, each contributing with their own wealth of experience and knowledge:
• Salvatore, a skilled worker, is the pillar of the company, responsible for production where he makes use of years of experience in the sector, dealing with business planning, crop management, crop improvement and harvesting. • Mariangela is a practicing lawyer in Palermo, the legal representative of the company and deals with finance and administration; • Alfonsa, with years of experience in the news field is the head of communication and business.
A large part of the company deals with fruit, particular pears, while the rest concentrates on growing vegetables, almonds, prickly pears, aromatic herbs and some of the seasonal produce at the foundations of the Mediterranean diet. Since 2020, thanks to supporto of specialised labs, the company has undergone a transformative processo from traditional to certified organic products, such as:
• Pears and wine, inspired by Italian regional traditios, but with all Mediterranean essences, wrapped in a high quality Nero d'Avola,is an excellent appetiser or an after-hour dessert served cold or slightly heated for a mulled wine effect; • Extra pear jam, rustic, but naturally delicate, very fragrant, i san excellent breakfast companion as well as ideal filling for cakes and croissants a base flavour for cream, ice cream or cheese; • Pears in syrup, a full-bodied and fragrant fruit integration for every season; • Datterino tomato sauce, from tomatoes grown in siccagno, as homemade, dense, full-bodied, ready to use; • Home-made Siccagno Tomato sauce.
Having spent a decade in Venice for study and work-related reasons, the Cirrincione sisters have recently returned to their homeland where they to reinvest the skills set they learned in an industrious and prosperous land.
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Fattoria dell’Arte Rocca Reina, Santo Stefano Quisquina
Fattoria dell'ArteRocca Reina – Teatro di Andromeda is a multifunctional ecosystem, built in the late 1980s by the will of its founder and sculptor Lorenzo Reina. It consists of a farmhouse, a donkey farm, some crops, a vegetable garden, and orchards gravitating around an outdoor stone theatre located at almost 1,000 metres (3,000 ft) above sea level, in the place where the creator wanted to concentrate positive energies, which he believes were revealed to him by his herd of sheep. It is there that they would alway " linger to graze, seemingly caught by enchantment". The development of the complex was long and troubled, as his father wished the young Lorenzo to carry on being exclusively a shepherd. Lorenzo spent his amongst sheep, dogs, a single book. At night, he would carve alabaster into blocks, by the light of a torch in a stable. One of those nights, he turned his eyes to heaven, to which he asked to make him "insatiable with his art " and his call was heard. As to the origin of the theatre, Lorenzo quotes St John’s Gospel: "The Spirit, like the wind, blows where it wills" (Jn, 3.8). The 108 constituent blocks refer to the number of stars in the Constellation of Andromeda whose galaxy (M31) "will collide with ours in about two and a half billion years" while the orientation of the cavea points to the stretch of the Sicilian Channel from which the sun rises on the summer solstice. This family business is made up of 3 partners and is aded by 2 seasonal collaborators.
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Antica Trasversale Sicula
Antica Trasversale Sicula is a 600-km long country trail cutting across Sicily from to the ancient Greek colony Kamarina in the South East to the Phoenician trading outpost on Mozia Island in the West. Moved by an unconditional love for Sicily, the initiators designed a path through cultural traditions and natural monuments, allowing hikers to throw themselves into a maze of a history and passion, a spiritual journey along old abandoned railway lines, nature parks and UNESCO World Heritage sites. The idea is based upon Biagio Pace (1889-1955, an archaeologist and one of the founders of ancient Italian topography) and Giovanni Uggeri (a professor focusing focusing more specifically on Sicilian topograph ) who have identified a network of cross-country trails dating back to at least the Greek period the Eastern Hellenic to the Western Phoenician end of the Island. This was a thousand-years old road network connecting salt, wheat, oil, wine, honey and sulphur producers and users. The network was reconstructed and walked by a group of archaeologists and passionate hikers who geo-referenced, with the support Sicilian Tourist Observatory GIS Lav, making this one of the few of its kind connecting so many sites of valuable sites: Kamarina, Pantalica, Akrai, Palikè, Morgantina, Lake Pergusa and the Rocca of Cerere, Grotte della Gurfa, Castronovo’s Kassar, Hippana, Entella, Mokarta, Segesta and Mozia. But not just that, Trasversale Sicula revealed to scholars and enthusiasts who have retraced all the complexities of its landscapes and the multiplicity of its dialects, languages and traditions, the latter beautifully expressed in the variety and quality of its crafts and local cuisine.
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Dolce Tentazione, Castronovo di Sicilia
Giuseppe Sparacello’s Dolce Tentazione is based in Castronovo di Sicilia, an ancient Byzantine town origin, perched on a rock above 700 metre above sea level, halfway between Palermo and Agrigento. Giuseppe started practicing confectionery when he was in high school. In the days when his classmates skipped school and wandered around town, he would go back to his father's biscuit factory. He was 16 then and already falling in love with the art thanks to master confectioner who came all the way from Palermo to support his father’s lab. Standing side by side to him made Giuseppe’s vision about his professional future ever clearer. Once he finished school, Giuseppe served in the National service for a year. Even in that case, he did not lose the desire to return to Castronovo and experiment in his lab. By the time he was 18 and had left the army he asked his father to track down that old master who’d instructed him on the basics and proposed himself as an apprentice. Thus, every week from Monday to Thursday for a year, Giuseppe trained in Palermo, floodinghis mentor with questions for 10 hours straight, absorbing his teachings like a sponge and trying to apply them on his return to town. Through him, Giuseppe was able to become familiar with the associations that animated the sector at the metropolitan and regional level. Thus, after completing his apprenticeship, he took on further courses and masters to refine his skills in the art of chocolate and ice cream with the biggest names nationally and internationally over the next 5-6 years, including a period of training. in Turin. "What I do is almost spontaneous, the inspiration comes naturally because I feel it from within. I happen to create by looking at the sky ”he admits over the phone. A concrete case of applied inspiration is his Torta del Pellegrino, the Pilgrim’s Cake. Reflecting on the first tasters, the hikers of the Via Francigena, he asked himself “what they would have seen along the way: almonds, ricotta, lemons, oranges, honey”. That is what he assembled into the cake. So when, a pilgrim asks him what ingredients he uses, Giuseppe replies: "just close your eyes and try to remember what you saw during your journey".
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Panagiotis Passas: From the land cultivation to the setup of a state-of-the-art packaging plant with refrigeration chambers and product standardisation lines and the production of watermelon.
Since he was a child, Panagiotis Passas (32 years old, from Agaliada, rural Greece) was playing in the fields next to his father. He studied economics at the University of Athens, but the lights of the city did not catch him at all. With a degree in hand, he decided to try to make use of his father's land and property. Thus, with methodical and decisive steps, Panagiotis made extended his father's 300 acres into 1,100 acres, investing deeply into product standardization lines. The main product of the family business is watermelon, the production of which reaches 5,500 tons per year, being 100% vertical. Panagiotis, along with his brother, takes care of 200 acres of potatoes with a production of 1,200 tons per year, while reinvesting since 2015 in innovative greenhouses, in which they grow both watermelons and lettuce. The immediate goals of the company are the further increase of the land and its products, along with the construction of more greenhouses, with the aim of increasing their market in the domestic area, but also in those abroad, such as Italy, Germany and the Netherlands. For this reason, the two businessmen, who will soon become three, once the third brother graduates in agronomy, plan meticulously every single investment during every production cycle, with a minimum of 250,000 euros per year.
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