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Bucolico Training

Building Community Resilience through Communication & Technology


Safety device, fruit theft, traceability



The project Agrosecurity responds to the desire to produce and market a safety device for agricultural use, based on a lure that incorporates an element of identification by radio frequency so that, through a corresponding detector/reader, it is possible to identify both the product and the owner of the crop. With the system, and through a software hosted in cloud, it will be possible to collect enough information to detect fruit theft, product identification with traceability analysis utility, accreditation of designations of origin and ease in the control of fruit traceability.




The company has been supported by Andalucía Emprende through the Andalusian Centre for Entrepreneurship (CADE) in Jaén. From here they have been provided with accommodation services, advice on their project and business monitoring, such as drawing up the 3-year business plan and socio-economic study, procedures for setting up the company, seeking funding and free training in various subjects of interest to them.



The Andalucian Rafael Bascón, Ricardo Antonio Cárdenas and Antonio Javier Berrio are the promoters who have created this company with a high technological component and who have patented this totally new device at a global level.

The technological company Agrosecurity presented in the last edition of Expoliva the technology developed for the protection of the olive theft. Thousands of professionals circulated throughout the exhibition at the stand of Automatismos ITEA, where an olive tree had been placed with olive-shaped lures, in which they carry RFID wireless technology, capable of communicating information about the owner and the plot to which they belong in case they are stolen.

This technology could alert and inform the owner of the farm, once it is detected by the use of radiofrequency guns, or in the olive oil mills themselves, by means of antennas placed on the conveyor belts.

The company Agrosecurity also presented other devices capable of warning when the theft is taking place on the tree itself, informing the farmer almost instantaneously when the theft occurs in the field itself.



Particular attention is paid from Agrosecurity to the protection and integrity of the landscape surrounding the farm and to economic circularity.



We offer a change so that the only sense of your effort is to cultivate in quality and safety. This change will benefit institutions, associations and cooperatives. A good for you and the collective.



"Recently the assault on avocados and mangoes in tropical plantations from Huelva to Malaga has increased considerably", warns Francisco Elvira, the technical manager of Agrosecurity. "They are very organised," said the spokesperson for Tropical Fruits of his organisation, Álvaro Bazán. When they discover that a field is poorly guarded, they leave it clean. They don't care if it's ripe".

That’s why the device is suitable for use not only in the olive sector, but can be applied to many products such as olives, avocados, almonds, oranges, plums, etc.

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Bucolico Consortium

Building Community Resilience through Communication & Technology


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