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    Curricula voor training

    Curricula voor digitale en ondernemerscompententies

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Bucolico Training

Building Community Resilience through Communication & Technology


Audiovisual, entrpreneurship




Integrate Media is a company from Granada that was founded in 2018 to promote self-employment, creating its own way of personal and professional development based on its training and experience in the world of communication.



Integrate Media offers comprehensive services for the public and private sector, covering all their needs in audiovisual production and traditional photography. As a creative audiovisual agency, it takes another step forward in the sector by betting on innovation through the production and realization of photography and video in 360º, being the 360º Virtual Tour its biggest bet.



Since 2018 Integrate Media has been housed at the Andalusian Centre for Entrepreneurship (CADE) in Granada, to which submitted a 3-year business plan and received public funding to finance the project.

“We are four friends with the passion for photograohy and we want to share with youngs and photo-lovers the company know-how. There are no business secrets  here”

For all November 2020, the company run free online workshop where they showed ou how to record quality videos with mobile phone so that followers or entrepreneurs could succeed on Social Network.

The most appreciated free workshop was  'Make the most of your Instagram' sponsorised also by the “Concejalía De Juventud Granada” and the “Ayuntamiento de Granada”.



The company has been founded by four friends with the passion for photography, digital and a great entrepreneur spirit.



Integrate Media was created in a small village in the Province of Granada, Andalucía. This Autonomous Community with its wide variety of landscapes, stunning natural features, and numerous wild animals, is a rural region.

The 27th November 2020 founders wrote: “We are so excited to announce that the 360º Interactive Virtual Tour of the La Hoya Experimental Farm is now available. It was created for the CSIC's Arid Zone Experimental Station (EEZA) in Almería.


“Today will see its official presentation at the European Researchers' Night promoted by the European Commission in Spain and coordinated by Fundación Descubre de Andalucía” they added.



Among the service offered, the company realizes 3D video and photos both for estate agents and private individuals to advertise houses for sale or rent. “This service has been particularly useful adapting to Covid-19 restrictions and regulations that limited visits to houses to be rent” explained the founders. “People could choose the house of their dream with a virtual 3d visit”.

“These are difficult times where resilience has become essential and all jobs takes on a new value”, write the founders in their official social networks.

“Many companies are struggling to get ahead and while we still have strength we will continue, camera in hand, to support the most damaged sectors” they concluded.


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Bucolico Consortium

Building Community Resilience through Communication & Technology


Erasmus +

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