• Slide 1


    Building Community Resilience through Communication & Technology

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  • Slide 2

    Training Curricula

    Digital and Entrepreneurial Curriculum

    for Juniors and Seniors

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A conference was held at the Palazzo Sartorio's Council Hall to present project BUCOLICO project, a a KA204 Adult Education strategic partnership, co-financed by the Erasmus + program, promoted by IDRISI Cultura e Sviluppo in collaboration with Internet Web Solutions, Fundacja Ad Meritum (Varsavia), Innovation Frontiers (Atene) e Asturia szw (Minderhout).
Rosario Fabio Oliveri (Culture Councillor for the Municipality of Lercara) greeted the audience, followed by contributions by Tiziana Albanese (ANTUDO) and Ludovica Prima (Si Resti Arrinesci), respectively on the Sicilian emigration phenomenon and on the Si Resti Arrinesci movement [If You Stay You'll Succeed], aimed at mitigating its effects.

Alessandro Russell (IDRISI Cultura e Sviluppo) brought to the attention of the audience the context analysis that led to the formulation of project BUCOLICO, aiming to create an educational model enhancing digital and self-entrepreneurial skills among young adults (15-29 years) in rural contexts of 5 countries (Italy, Spain, Poland, Belgium, Greece) as a measure to contain the migratory phenomenon and further depletion of human capital in geographically peripheral areas.

Several members of the public brought to the debate elements of discussion on the theme of business culture and the need to bridge the gap between young people and local resources through appropriate training interventions.

Luciano Marino (mayor of the Municipality of Lercara Friddi) closed the session by sharing some considerations on the challenges posed to the local and regional socio-economic fabric by negative demographics, declining birth rates and emigration and brought to the attention of the public the opportunities offered by the Italian National Strategy for Internal Areas.

Bucolico Consortium

Building Community Resilience through Communication & Technology


Erasmus +

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Internet Web Solutions
Ad Meritum